Our Team


Jon Tyson is a Pastor and Church Planter in New York City. Originally from Adelaide Australia, Jon moved to the United States over 2 decades ago with a passion to seek and cultivate renewal in the Western Church. He is the author of Sacred Roots, A Creative Minority, The Burden is Light, Beautiful Resistance and The Intentional Father. He serves as the Lead Pastor of Church of the City New York.


Sam Gibson is the director of PrayNYC and serves on the executive team at the Church of the City, New York. He has a history of building a culture of prayer in a variety of contexts. His primary mission in life is to awaken people to the beauty of Jesus in prayer. He lives in midtown Manhattan with his wife, Leigh Anne.


Chad Bohi is the Pastor at Radiant Central Coast in California and leads a ministry called Altar Builders that aims to teach and train others to cultivate a lifestyle of worship, with the word and prayer. He is married to his beautiful wife Haley, and they have four amazing children.